Look up

At our meditation group, we have revisited many wonderful books. In one of these, the author offers exercises to engage the brain in mindfulness. One of them is to look up. She reminds us that we spend most of our life interacting with just a visual slice of the world around us. Bringing attention upward can be a mindfulness practice.

When we parted ways for our summer break, I offered this practice to our group, in hopes that we would all continue to practice meditation and mindfulness throughout the summer. I have been amazed by how often I am in awe of the sky. On a recent vacation with my husband, Chris, I had to stop us many times just to check out the clouds. He’s an environmental scientist so he is always happy to stop and check out the world around us.

The photo below is from our ride on a fan boat in the Everglades. Not only was I looking up, but the marshy glades were reflecting the sky perfectly, I was reminded of something from Sunday school: as above, so below. As above, so below,

Broaden your view

Broaden your view