New Year - New You???? Ugh, no thank you. I have a deep resistance to the constant feedback in our consumerist culture that everything we do *already* is not enough. Of course we all try to improve ourselves and our lives...I’m not talking about complacency. I am talking about self-love, generosity, and self acceptance.
I’ve also been grappling with my own crystal practice - it is natural for people to assume that this is a ‘business’ and that my aim is eventually to make more money or fame or other type of ‘reward’ for my work. But the truth is that my energy work is not something I want to commodify - it is something I want to continue to dive into with a spirit of generosity!
I have been reading Entering the Mind of the Buddha, by Reb Anderson. He describes the six paramitas, or practices, of the bodhisattvas - the first of which is generosity. When we practice this, we allow a deeper generosity than just giving to others. It starts with a generous spirit within ourselves in how we deal with our own personalities and thoughts. And then, in how we react and respond to others. If you’re inclined to dig into the book and are near enough to me, consider joining me in meditation - we will be discussing it over the next 6 weeks.
So, friends, I wiish for all of you a sense of generosity towards yourself. If you do chose to make a New Years resolution, let it be one that lifts you up, not one that makes you feel bad about who you already are!
In friendship,
Crystal Emelie